To the Public Safety meeting of the board of supervisors. My name is supervisor john avalos, joined to my right by the vice chair, supervisor olague and supervisor eric mar. The clerk today is erica davis. Please make sure to silence all cell phones and electronic devices, completed speaker cards and copies of any documents to be included in the file should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will occur on the december 4 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. I want to recognize the sfgtv staff working on this committee. Madam clerk, could you please call item 1. Item no. 1, resolution urging the metropolitan Transportation Commission of the state legislature to strengthen the privacy provisions of personal information of the clipper card program. Thank you, madam clerk. This is an item that i have called forward and i want to thank my cosponsors, supervisor chiu and supervisor olague, my committee members, for their cosponsorship. This resolution has come o
Are they going to baseball games when they are supposed to be at work . I think it is important to recognize that these records should be respected, should be treated as private information and as the commission said, should be looked at and retained only as long as necessary for operational purposes, not because its cheap to retain data but because you need them for fraud. Id like to demonstrate to the committee, this is an application for an android app what is it called again . Fare bot it requires a new Android Phone that has an inaudible all you need to do with the app, attach it to a card, the balance available on the card, recent trips, i believe its actually 15 recent transactions rather than 10 if you count these up, and it is no time limit so it may be 15 in the last week or 15 in the last number of months or even years potentially, when the card has been refilled and it also records information about the identity, the serial number about the card and a few other technical de
Last number of months or even years potentially, when the card has been refilled and it also records information about the identity, the serial number about the card and a few other technical details. This can reveal a little bit of information about a person in a single read, but notably it can be used repeatedly and because it reads the serial number, you can record the same person, see if its the same card. You can use it on a smart card to track your partner or your child or your parent or anyones card you have access to on a regular basis, you can obtain information about their comings and goings. Technologically its possible to build a better reader than on a smart phone. Im not sure of the distance but it would not require contact with the cards under a stronger Radio Technology to receive signals and receive signals from the card. This is something i hope the information will address, the fact its not encrypted in any way so anyone with a phone can read not only their own clipp
Compensation for the m ta and for the rest of the 70 and milky and i talked about this a year and decided that we could do better for all of the cities by joining force and is i had experience in my last role of finding ways of reducing Workers Compensation costs has been going down for many city agency and is the workers comp sayings has been going up for the m ta and so there is benefit for all of us coming together and that will save us all some money. Okay do we have a budget analysis report . Good afternoon madame chair and supervisor kim and we have made some recommendation that is d h r is in concor dance with and by 799 to account to the december 1st start date of the agreement with us and m ta and to advocate prove the start date to november 1st 2012 and amend aimed the resolution to fix and evaluate the cost effectiveness of providing these services in house as opposed to a contract and an option to renew and otherwise we recommend the a proven prooivel of the amendments. Tha
It could eliminate the hiring of entrylevel employee because im already paying a wage for someone with experience, so why would i hire someone who doesnt have experience . So as an altruistic as you would like to be, altruism can be stymied by the bottom line and if there is no bottom line, a lot of these things could be in jeopardy. This issue is a very significant one for traditional, small, independentlyowned business as we know them today. Whether these changes are inevitable over time is debatable. But certainly were looking a scenario which would so dramatically accelerate them and outside of any kind of timehorizon for planning. That is one of the big issues there is no time to plan for this. Going to 13 an hour on january 1 2015 is no Business Plan could have accommodated or thought about and going to 15 the year or year after that is again, a change that Business Planning, conventional Business Planning could not have anticipated and represents a shock to businesses. So this i