flames. the ball of fire originally started out small. and by the end it was probably the size of a full-size pickup truck. so it was enormous. it was huge. and the vibration of the ground was incredible. you know, when 7,620 volts blows up right behind you, it s tough to be prepared for that. the explosion continues for several hundred feet, shooting out sparks and blowing out a transformer. watch out, jason! another firefighter dives out of the way to avoid being electrocuted. watch out, jason! went up the street. it kept going up there was a transformer up the block, and there was another fire department guy up there. you could see him run and jump over the snow bank to get out of the way of it. the bursting heat and energy vaporizes everything in its path. if you look at it in slow motion, there s sparks showering down. it melted all the power lines below it. watch out, jason! everyone realizes, this is a close call that could have turned tragic. holy cow!
or what was that? it just doesn t show how loud or how much energy was released when that thing let go. you could really feel it. it was like the bass at a rock concert. it was just shaking. everyone is stunned by the unbelievable surge of power and flames. the ball of fire originally started out small. and by the end it was probably the size of a full-size pickup truck. so it was enormous. it was huge. and the vibration of the ground was incredible. you know, when 7,620 volts blows up right behind you, it s tough to be prepared for that. the explosion continues for several hundred feet, shooting out sparks and blowing out a transformer. watch out, jason! another firefighter dives out of the way to avoid being electrocuted. watch out, jason! went up the street. it kept going up there was a transformer up the block, and there was another fire department guy up there. you could see him run and jump over the snow bank to get out of
anyone who watches the news knows iraq is a dangerous place. bombings and firefights are daily threats to u.s. troops and iraqi civilians. it s no surprise, then, that some of the most dramatic video we have comes from that war-torn country. hershey bypass, iraq, september 9th, 2007. a group of soldiers from the 144th military police company, a michigan army national guard unit, are traveling from tikrit to mosul. as they often do throughout their deployment, they videotape the journey. specialist ron dickinson is driving the armored humvee. it s a trip he ll never forget. nobody would believe us if we didn t have it on tape. three other members of his unit are inside the vehicle, including sergeant jason daw. if you slack off and don t pay attention, that s when they get you. they ve been in the country for several months and seen their fair share of improvised explosive devices, or ieds.
the way of it. the bursting heat and energy vaporizes everything in its path. if you look at it in slow motion, there s sparks showering down. it melted all the power lines below it. watch out, jason! everyone realizes, this is a close call that could have turned tragic. holy cow! i have to point out, that s exactly why you be careful. very careful. to be honest, we were probably way too close. electricity goes through people, it kills them. and had that hit any one of us or landed on the truck we were standing on or near us, it certainly could have electrocuted everybody standing there. coming up whoa! it was so huge. it was unbelievable. holy smokes! i hope everybody s okay. when caught on camera: on the edge of death continues. eg. the usual, bob? not today. [ male announcer ] bob has afib:
up right behind you, it s tough to be prepared for that. the explosion continues for several hundred feet, shooting out sparks and blowing out a transformer. watch out, jason! another firefighter dives out of the way to avoid being electrocuted. watch out, jason! went up the street. it kept going up there was a transformer up the block, and there was another fire department guy up there. you could see him run and jump over the snowbank to get out of the way of it. the bursting heat and energy vaporizes everything in its path. if you look at it in slow motion, there s sparks showering down. it melted all the power lines below it. watch out, jason! everyone realizes, this is a close call that could have turned tragic. holy cow! i have to point out, that s exactly why you be careful. very careful. to be honest, we were probably way too close. electricity goes through people, it kills them. and had that hit any one of us or landed on the truck we were standing o