COLORS’ Udaariyaan will host a ‘Bollywood Diwali Dhamaka’ where the cast of the show will be dressed as famous Bollywood characters. The entertainment quotient rises a notch higher as celebrity guests such as Gippy Grewal, Gurnaam Bhullar, Ravi Dubey, Gurpreet Ghuggi (Comedian) will be seen joining the ecstatic cast of ‘Udaariyaan’ i.e., Tejo (Priyanka Chaudhary), […]
MUMBAI: Tejo's (Priyanka Choudhary) endearing journey in COLORS' 'Udaariyaan' has hooked the audience with this show's ongoing storyline. |
Karan V Grover roped in for COLORS’ Udaariyaan to play Angad Maan. Bollywood News: Latest Bollywood News, Bollywood News Today, Bollywood Celebrity News, Breaking News, Celeb News, Celebrities News, Bollywood News Hindi, Hindi Bollywood News at Bollywood