Thursday 18th February / posted by Danae Gibson
It could be said that every week is Ochre Ribbon Week, where the wellbeing of First Nations families and victims of family and domestic violence, which are underpinned by a complex range of historic and current systematic issues, are a daily priority in the regions and remote communities throughout Western Australia. Jaru/Kitja and Gooniyandi woman, and CEO of the Aboriginal Family Legal Services, Corina Martin, joined RTR FM s Sarah Carlsen to discuss how the campaign for Ochre Ribbon Week began in 2015, how it s grown to be nationally recognised, by a long list of national organisations and peak bodies, and how their invaluable, state-wide legal and social expertise in the sector could inform the WA Government s recent $60 million proposal for support systems, infrastructure and safer places for women and children experiencing family and domestic violence, whose recent media statement can be found here.