After 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Black can spoil White s intentions to play the Ruy Lopez, the Scotch Game, the Giuoco Piano or the Evans Gambit by answering with 2. . d6. In a first article on this topic I described that the former World Champion Alexander Alekhine (1892 - 1946) played the Philidor Defence several times and was very successful with it. Since the article met with lively interest and some ChessBase readers also provided interesting hints, I would like to go into some more details and present some more exciting games with this opening.
Edward Lasker vs Alekhine - a positional masterpiece
The 15-year-old Alexander Alekhine played an interesting game against Edward Lasker in Dusseldorf (Germany) in 1908. Again he chose the Hanham variation, in which Black defends e5 by 3. . Nd7 instead of giving up the the centre by exchanging pawns or risking Philidor s hazardous counterattack 3. . f5?!. Through skilful manoeuvring Alekhine reduced the white KB to an ext