A large Japanese Mountain Toad (Japanese: Nihon hikigaeru) spotted in the Chichibu-Tama-Kai National Park, Japan. This is one of the biggest amphibians in Japan. Adults are between 8-18 cm long; tadpoles are 3.5-4 cm long. They have the classic toad traits of poisonous, warty skin and, bulging eyes. Male toads are yellowish-brown and females are darker. Some have red splotches, and there are black markings on the belly. There is a black belt along the flanks of the body, bordered with white stripes. They are terrestrial and have dry skin.
Grasslands and woodlands. They can be found in large parks in cities, but are now rare in gardens. You are most likely to see them on the road after it’s been raining. They breed from April tp May, each female laying between 6,000 to 15,000 eggs in shallow water in ponds, ditches and swamps. Tadpoles become toadlets by early June.