fact that roe v. wade became the law of the land in january 1973. in other words, abortion boosts markets. it frees women from the tiresome demands of motherhood and allows them towh fulfill their higher duty, which is to corporations. childless women make more beautiful, obedient workers. they can work longer hours. they take less time off, they are loyal to the company first. this is all great for gdp. chelsea clinton and the rest of the investor class strongly approve of it. stop breeding and get to work. that s how they feel. how ingrained is this attitude? here s how the new york times describes attitude about the japanese economy just this past weekend. japan needs moms in the workplace, but many are stuck, shouldering most of the bread and at home. limited roles. that is how the new york times describes motherhood. and from the perspective of private equity, they areha righ.
labor force, 31/$2 trillion to our economy. the net new entrants of women, that is not disconnected from the fact that roe became the law of the land in january 1973. reporter: we don t know where chelsea clinton got those numbers but some pro-life organizations took her to task like news.com argues since 1967 there have been 61 million us abortions and instead of adding $3.5 trillion to the economy it caused a $62 trillion deficit. john mueller with ethics and public policy center has been arguing for 17 years that abortion has been devastating to the economy and led to higher crime rates in divorce and like chelsea clinton s comments pro-life members of not been confirmed but evangelists and conservatives are not as worried about the accuracy of clinton s claim is the fact that she said it. franklin graham went on twitter
argued the us must remain involved in the country, there are 10,000 us troops in syria looking to defeat isys. more proof donald from s promises to make america great again are coming true with plunging jobless claims, filing for unemployment benefits dropping by 12,000 to the lowest level since january 1973. the unemployment rate has been 4% for the past we 5 months, a 17 year low. record-breaking obstruction, donald from blasting the left for refusing to get on board with his agenda leaving 100 of his nominees waiting in the wings. democrats plan on blocking his new pattern it picks including mike pompeo and ronnie jackson, rear adm. ronnie jackson. here to weigh in is treaded to stand contributor at the hill, jim burns. thanks for joining us.
out something. i know you ll like that gerry ford lost and in his subsequently campaign, many analysts believe the pardon of nixon had something to do with it. for the rest of his life, i m told, ford carried in his pocket the phrasing from the united states supreme court saying how the acceptance of a pardon is an admission of guilt. and he always wondered why people didn t understand that he was the one who got richard nixon to admit guilt by accepting that pardon. yes. i became a columnist, lawrence, in january 1973 at the tender age of 32, just at the moment when the judge s severe sentences had the intended effect of causing james mccord to crack and the watergate and cover-up begin to unravel. the mantra at that time, as you
price winning journalist. george, it s great to have you on what feels like a historic night, and i just want to point out something. i know you ll like that gerry ford lost and in his subsequently campaign, many analysts believe the pardon of nixon had something to do with it. for the rest of his life, i m told, ford carried in his pocket the phrasing from the united states supreme court saying how the acceptance of a pardon is an admission of guilt. and he always wondered why people didn t understand that he was the one who got richard nixon to admit guilt by accepting that pardon. yes. i became a columnist, lawrence, in january 1973 at the tender age of 32, just at the moment when the judge s severe sentences had the intended effect of causing james mccord