i don t know if that s enough for the show but hearing those stories out of oklahoma, just heartbreaking. thank you. the future majority project, trying to elect more women and candidates for diversity at the state level. maria? march for innovation is taking over facebook and twitter for immigration policy. maria, chris, first time here, rachel, thank you. good to see you. that s it for the daily rundown. coming up next right here on msnbc, chris jansing & co. have a great thursday. come here, boy. there you go. come on, let s play! [ male announcer ] there s an easier way to protect your dog from dangerous parasites. good boy. fetch! trifexis is the monthly, beef-flavored tablet that prevents heartworm disease, kills fleas and prevents infestations, and treats hook-, round-, and whipworm infections.
damage. there s the ball return machine, there s the automatic scorer s table, there s a bowling ball. this was mf moore lanes. this was the neighborhood bowling alley. and there s the backside of that bowling alley, chris jansing. again, between 12 and 13,000 homes and businesses either damaged or destroyed here in moore. nbc s craig melvin on the scene there. thank you so much. that s going to wrap up this hour of jansing & co. i m chris jansing. richard lui is in for thomas roberts. good morning. thanks again, chris. coming y coming up, president obama is hours away from his speech on terrorism. michael isikoff will join us in a bit. another scandal in the ranks. this time at west point. allegations of hidden cameras in
help but feel the pain of those parents at the elementary school who are still waiting. much as the parents did in n newto newtown, so many echoes of other tragedies, but this, as well, the heroism of teachers. we here of teachers who threw their bodies over students to protect them, and in another case, a class of 4 or 5-year-olds, even younger in day care, and the teacher kept them calm by singing you are my sunshine as the tornado was bearing down on their building. and so we re going to continue our coverage live from here in moore, oklahoma. we ll have a storm chaser who took some of the most remarkable video of this terrible, terrible storm, and we ll be back with more live on jansing & co. i had to hold on to the wall to keep myself safe because i didn t want to fly away in the tornado. it was coming.
at least the weather has let up a little bit. the mayor was telling me some of the forecasters were warning him that what might come in is some hail. that would not be good either for the people trying to get into their homes or the people who are doing that important search and rescue. and the flags at the capitol in washington, d.c. are at half-staff after a moment of silence and a prayer on the floor of the senate this morning. we will take a break and be back with more jansing & co. live after this. [ phil ] when you have joint pain and stiffness. accomplishing even little things can become major victories. i m phil mickelson, pro golfer. when i was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel for my pain and stiffness, and to help stop joint damage. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and all
communications were difficult, and parents trying to find their children were actually coming up on road blocks. were getting out of their cars and walking miles to try to find where their children were, often with other schoolmates, classmates, grandparents, care givers, so there have been happy stories of reunions. we re going to take a quick break. we ll be back from moore, oklahoma, live on jansing & co. if you look down right here, this is the foundation of their home. and so when we say things were wiped off the foundation, this was the their home here, concrete, nothing left on top of it. he and his friends created a 3-d printer and now his brooklyn based company is at the hub of the 3-d maker revolution. jewelry, medical devices, shoes, toys, the list of things being made on these printers goes on