Belgium: A recent study reported in the journal Nature has described a new target for the treatment of dengue. The antiviral compound showed strong activity in mice for prophylaxis against dengue and.
Cut in Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Deliveries in EU Bad News - Estonian Minister Fri 15th January 2021 | 11:40 PM
HELSINKI (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 15th January, 2021) Pfizer s announcement of a temporal reduction in the deliveries of its COVID-19 vaccine to European countries, including Estonia, is bad news, Estonian Minister of Social Affairs Tanel Kiik said on Friday.
Earlier in the day, the US pharmaceutical company said that it would temporarily cut shipments of the vaccine in the next three to four weeks due to construction works at its key plant in Belgium, which aimed at ramping up its production capacity starting in mid-February.
Estonia Vaccinates 500 Medical Workers Against COVID-19 in 2 Days - Health Department Tue 29th December 2020 | 07:00 PM
HELSINKI (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 29th December, 2020) In Estonia, 516 health workers were vaccinated against COVID-19 in the first two days since the beginning of the vaccination process, the health department said on Tuesday.
The COVID-19 vaccination campaign began in Estonia on Sunday. The first batch of Pfizer/BioNtech vaccines is intended primarily for healthcare workers, as they are at higher risk of getting infected due to close contact with coronavirus-infected patients. As of Tuesday, 516 people have been vaccinated against the coronavirus in Estonia. Most of the vaccinations were made at East Tallinn Central Hospital, the North Estonia Regional Hospital and Ida-Virumaa Central Hospital, the health department said in a statement.
0 >Head of West Tallinn Central Hospital Dr Arkadi Popov was among the first doctors to be vaccinated for COVID-19 in Tallinn on December 27. Source: Ken Mürk/ERR
Over 200 front-line healthcare workers received the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine on Sunday, the first day it had been administered in Estonia.
Health-care workers in eight institutions in the hardest-hit regions of the country, Ida-Viru County, Tallinn and Tartu were inoculated, starting with resident doctor at the Kohtla-Järve Medical Center (Kohtla-Järve Tervisemaja) Jelena Rozinko. By day s end, 207 people had received the vaccine, which arrived in Estonia on Saturday.
The vaccination process is to continue through the last week of 2020 in hospitals, ambulance centers and other emergency medical centers, the Ministry of Social Affairs said Monday morning, via a press release.