In a very tragic incident, two persons were killed and three injured when an RTC bus hit an auto-rickshaw. The incident took place on Thursday on the outskirts of Gullakota village Luxettipet town. The deceased were identified as Kalva Venkatesh, a lab technician from Kalamadugu village in Jannaram Mandal and Chippakurthi Lachanna of Rapalli village in Luxettipet Mandal.
May 26, 2021
TELANGANA: In a horrific incident, a youngster, riding pillion on a motorcycle, was killed after crashing into the barricade as the rider tried to dodge a forest department checkpost in Telangana, India.
The CCTV footage of the incident, which is doing the rounds on social media platforms, shows a policeman waving his hand and signaling a biker to slow down. The incident took place in Thapalapur village, in Jannaram Mandal area of the Mancherial district on Saturday.
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