The 90-year-old Wo He Lo Club is moving from doing an in-person used-clothing sale to hosting an online auction to help buy medical equipment to help P.E.I's most fragile babies.
Early in His ministry, Jesus visited His hometown of Nazareth. On the Sabbath day, he read Isaiah's prophecy of the Messiah in the synagogue and announced that the Scripture was being fulfilled in their hearing. This did not become a welcome home party. In fact, we read in Luke 4 that they took Him to a cliff to toss Him off.
When you try and try to understand a concept and just don't get it, you can develop a hard heart toward it. For me, it was algebra. For the disciples, it was Jesus' miracle of the loaves of bread.
/PRNewswire/ CNSI, a leading Medicaid Enterprise Systems (MES) provider, announced today that the Wyoming Department of Health received certification from.