Janhvi Kapoor was recently spotted in a gorgeous vibrant lehenga for a wedding in Surat. The video of Bawaal actress twirling in traditional ensemble won several hearts - WATCH - Janhvi Kapoor Twirls And Swirls in Vibrant Choli Lehenga, Internet Has a Collective Meltdown - WATCH
On the occasion of her birthday, Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor revealed the first-look from her upcoming film, which has been unofficially named 'NTR 30,' today. The actress shared a glimpse of her character on Instagram.
Boney Kapoor revealed an instance in which he scolded his daughter Janhvi Kapoor for ordering grilled fish without butter while on vacation in New York with his late wife, Bollywood icon Sridevi, and Janhvi.
Janhvi Kapoor comes on board for Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff s Bade Miyan Chote Miyan . The film is directed by Ali Abbas Zafar and is slated to go on floors in the month of January. The action-packed entertainer is produced by Pooja Entertainment.