The Mercury provides news and fun every single day—but your help is essential. If you believe Portland benefits from smart, local journalism and arts coverage, please consider making a small monthly contribution, because without you, there is no us. Thanks for your support! GOOD MORNING, PORTLAND! Funny how I find myself in love with you. If I could buy my reasoning, I'd pay to lose. LET'S GO TO PRESS. IN LOCAL NEWS: • Grab your.
In case you were too frazzled by the holidays or busy lamenting 2021’s restaurant closures, there was an end-of-the-year bright spot in our local food scene. The all-day, worker-owned Cafe Olli opened on December 9th. The restaurant is centered around the iconic brick oven that defined former occupant Ned Ludd, and is a promising step into the future for Portland’s restaurant landscape. Co-founders Ryan Dirks, Cami Wong, Daniel Green, and Taylor Manning all previously worked.
[You can read all of the Mercury’s “Top Stories of 2021” here.—eds] When it comes to eating out, "taking out" was the biggest food and drink news of 2021. While the pandemic knocked so many of Portland's fantastic restaurants on their heels, local eateries showed their ingenuity and gumption by super charging their take-out game. And in this list of the Mercury's Favorite Take-Out Joints of 2021, we're paying loving tribute to these hometown heroes..
The Mercury provides news and fun every single day—but your help is essential. If you believe Portland benefits from smart, local journalism and arts coverage, please consider making a small monthly contribution, because without you, there is no us. Thanks for your support! Good morning, Portland! And good morning to this too-hot-for-TikTok inanimate object: The Venus of Willendorf is getting her day online.— Motherboard (@motherboard) October 19, 2021 Anyway, here are the headlines. •.
Whooo! You're a BUSY BEE. Look, it's completely understandable that since you've been SO busy, you may have missed some of the great reporting and stories the Mercury churned out this week! So while you're lounging about this weekend, catch up on the knowledge you need by reading some of these A+++ Mercury articles! (PRO TIP: If you despise being "the last to know," then be one of the first to know by signing up.