HENLEY is geared up for the celebrations of King Charles III’s coronation tomorrow (Saturday).Independent shops have been adorned with banners, bunting, b.
DESPITE this year’s Henley regatta window display competition being cancelled, some shops produced decorations anyway. The annual contest did not go ahead.
Main image: Google CCTV could be installed in a village nature park to combat vandalism and “drug-taking”.
Little Chalfont Parish Council has applied for funding to install the cameras at Little Chalfont Nature Park, after a “small minority of young people” were found to have vandalised park furniture and bird boxes, and used the park for taking drugs. A parish council spokesman said: “This causes distress to users and is stopping some from visiting the park. Actions, including visits by police officers, have failed to stop the problem. “CCTV will go a long way to identifying the perpetrators and minimising, if not eliminating, the problem.