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Departure is a series that hits the ground (and the ocean) running and doesn’t slow down. It’s six episodes of twists and turns as a team of investigators tries to figure out exactly what caused a passenger plane to crash in the Atlantic Ocean. With so much going on, it can be a little tricky getting a grip on who’s who: here’s our guide to who you need to keep your eye on.
Transportation Safety and Investigations Bureau Chief, Howard Lawson (Christopher Plummer)
Lawson is played by Christopher Plummer, a legend of the big screen and one of the smoothest actors alive, so you know he’s going to be charming in a way that suggests he could have you killed at a moment’s notice. Not that Lawson is having anyone killed, but as the man in charge of the investigation – and the one who hand-picks his TSIB protégé Kendra to handle it – it’s clear he’s going to be supportive, right up until the moment things stop going exactly how he wants them to go. And the pressure is