Voters in Lake Placid, Keene and AuSable Valley school districts passed each of the districts’ proposed budgets by wide margins on Tuesday, the state’s sch
Yes, there’s only 24 hours in a day. Yes, it always seems that no matter how early we wake up, or how long a day we work, that time never seems to be enough t
Boards of education in the AuSable Valley and Keene school districts held public hearings on Monday, May 8 for their proposed 2023-24 budgets, both of which
Boards of education in the AuSable Valley and Keene school districts are holding public hearings today for their proposed 2023-24 budgets, both of which inc
Pandemic highlights broadband gaps in Adirondacks
Where corporations fall short, neighbors and smaller companies have gotten inventive
Tim Rowland Adirondack Explorer
Janelle Schwartz works at Craigardan, an Elizabethtown-area nonprofit where employees must ration their use of satellite internet. (Mike Lynch/Adirondack Explorer)Adirondack Explorer
ESSEX COUNTY To Mike Hopmeier, it felt like an old-time country barn-raising.
Hopmeier is president of a northern Virginia counterterrorism consulting firm who turned a Cold War thermonuclear missile site in the Adirondacks into a research laboratory. Not surprisingly, Hopmeier needed bandwidth, and lots of it.
But when Spectrum checked out his location on a lonely road south of the mountain called Poke-O-Moonshine, the company gave him an estimate of $50,000 to a lay a half-mile of fiber to his lab. Hopmeier figured there had to be a better way.