Get ready for that familiar sight again as Boston Whaler will take over its sister Sea Ray’s plant, abandoned two and a half years ago. (Rusty Clark)
Two and a half years after the Sea Ray plant shut down off Colbert Lane, eliminating some 440 high-paying, manufacturing jobs, the plant will reopen very soon under the banner of Boston Whaler, a boat builder owned by Sea Ray’s parent, Brunswick Corp.
Boston Whaler will bring back 300 to 400 jobs within 24 months, Palm Coast Mayor Milissa Holland said this afternoon. The first boat is expected to roll off the assembly line in the second half of 2021. The city’s announcement caps a whirling six months of major economic-development victories for Palm Coast.
The Flagler Beach Hotel around 1950. (Florida Memory)
The Flagler Beach City Commission tonight approved a special exception for the siting of a hotel in the heart of town, at South 2nd Street and Old Moody Boulevard, on the acreage previously used as a hotel but for a 48-year interregnum, and its use as a farmer’s market for many years since.
As at the planning board earlier this month, The vote was unanimous. The discussion–what there was of it–took all of eight minutes. There was no discussion among commissioners, no controversy, and aside from one public voice opposed, no dissent, clearing yet another hurdle for the planned hotel.