An organic crisis collided with a conjunctural crisis, and only the political right had both the sense and the power to take advantage of it. Now the conspiracist structure of feeling the recognition of one’s own relative disfranchisement, combined with a resentment toward the tremendous power and resources that a small class wields exclusively over everyone else textures our political reality thoroughly, and not just for the right’s ideological foot soldiers.
Introduction Kim Moody argues in his book, Breaking the Impasse, written in 2020, that American politics is in a political cul de sac. This “impasse” is characterised by the Republican Party lurching further right and the Democratic Party taking a more centrist political and neoliberal economic positions.
The Global Ecosocialist Network brought together labour and climate justice activists from Africa, Asia, the United States and Europe, in June, to discuss how to build stronger links, reports Susan Price.