Dimensions is a biennial, juried, touring exhibition of contemporary craft organized by the Saskatchewan Craft Council (SCC) for over 40 years. Dimensions encourages Saskatchewan artists to push themselves creatively and technically. Selected works are unique, incorporating individual expression that transcend technique; works have content as well as achieving technical and creative excellence. This year, 130 works were submitted by 83 artists including 21 emerging artists, providing an impressive assortment of fine craft. Our Jurors, David Freeman and Jane Kidd, were tasked with the challenge of selecting just 35 pieces for the exhibition and deciding which pieces might merit an award. Dimensions jurying was an online experience in 2021. While the SCC has always prioritized in-person jurying for this project, the health and safety of the jurors, SCC staff, and the nearly 100 artists who enter Dimensions are of utmost concern.
similar to what we are discussing in terms of capital reform, we have to balance it. we have a system that obviously did not work. there are fundamental aspects, including how the firms are designed, that are not tangible for the future. they will require sleeping fundamental change. we also have to make sure that we help advance this process repair. we are seeing more stable house prices. we still have a lot to work there. it is very important to the strength of recovery. it is fair for the american people that we continue to make sure we are reinforcing the process of repair. we have to find a way to make sure we have a system that provides a reasonable security. this is something that we have to preserve and build, but the system have today is not sensible for the future. we will have to bring about quite dramatic reforms. the institutions were allowed to build a huge portfolios of security without the capital to build and back the risk in those commitments. they did not a