Dixon Place, Ping Chong and Company, and Free Rein Projects will present the world premiere production of Jaime Sunwoo’s Specially Processed American Me, January 27 - February 19.
which suggests romney isn t seeking black voters. he might be simply more interested in showing moderate white voters ki be inclusive and game their votes. with me, jelani cobb, and jane jung, bill snyder at third way and back us with by popular demand, margaret cho, who stars in drop dead diva. welcome to everybody. thank you. we ve got the pander, the pivot, the shift to build a bigger tent. can the republican party get a more diverse voting coalition in this election? in 2012? the short answer is no.
cinderella gates. remember, we ve been counting them in the jar? and mitt s delegates are represented by the jelly beans you recognize. he is so close to the 1,044 delegates he needs to cinch the nomination, the red line here. texas will vote on tuesday, so one can assume that romney will get a pretty good portion of those texas jelly beans. once he does, romney will have his 1,144 delegates and that s when he s going to pivot. the pivot we ve talked about here before. he ll have all of the delegates he needs, but now he needs the voters, and the romney machine is in full effect. after his speech to a latino group on wednesday, where he called education the civil rights issue of our era. he then visited a predominantly black charter school in west philadelphia. and that wasn t the romney campaign s only message broadening move. we learned thursday they hired republican tara wall as a senior communications adviser. wall previously worked with president george w. bush had this