there are several phone numbers and ways to contact the project managers and public out reach staff like me and also, i am sure that you know about the holiday moratorium that we generally abide by, which it puts a moratorium on construction work between thanksgiving and new year s. and in business areas. so. i know when you guys are doing the out reach for the castro street widening they are going to do ours in the winter so it does not effect like pride and fulsom, and so they have already done, like in upper market they have already been doing out reach like now for this project that is going to happen next year. so i am really happy with what they are doing with the merchants especially in our neighborhood. commissioner rilely? i am coming back to the islands, how do you determine where to put them? is it based on the request of the property owners? the residents or the record of accidents or something? yeah, that would be a question that i would have to get bac
lighting along broad way tunnel and there is an example of the tunnel. and there are a lot of little and some big fixes. finally the transit signals or the portion of the bond has $4.7 million dedicated to it. the sf mta is over seing the upgrades on some of the 1100 single intersections of the city and managing it as part of the transit first program. with the undertaking this size, it is significant amount of coordination, is required when we are like i said, we have hundreds and hundreds of projects throughout staoet, for the next three years and beyond, they are working closely with partners and other cities to closely coordinate all of the work and also find efficiencies to save the city money and time. when we go out there and we do all of these projects it is important for the city and the department of public works to reach out to the businesses and the residents that may be affected by this construction. we send out all advanced noticing an example of a notice
2013. and the map on there you cannot see much on there. i included a map. if you go to the website you can get a detailed look at where all of these street segments are placed or chosen. the city prioritizes choosing these segments. based on a number of criteria, including the frequency of use, the classification of the route, and also project readiness. dw is going to pave about a third of these streets over the next three years. and local contractors will pave the remaineding two-thirds. the next portion is the street skates improvement portion. $50 million allocated for dedicated street skate improvement. it is pedestrian an and bicycle improvements, sidewalk extensions and lightsing and sidewalk enhancements. in the last six months, the city has undergone a public process for narrowing down the candidate list for the street scapes project. and in august, 91 projects are chosen and approved by the part of the ten-year capitol plan. the list of them is in your packet
so there is in the noticing there are several phone numbers and ways to contact the project managers and public out reach staff like me and also, i am sure that you know about the holiday moratorium that we generally abide by, which it puts a moratorium on construction work between thanksgiving and new year s. and in business areas. so. i know when you guys are doing the out reach for the castro street widening they are going to do ours in the winter so it does not effect like pride and fulsom, and so they have already done, like in upper market they have already been doing out reach like now for this project that is going to happen next year. so i am really happy with what they are doing with the merchants especially in our neighborhood. commissioner rilely? i am coming back to the islands, how do you determine where to put them? is it based on the request of the property owners? the residents or the record of accidents or something? yeah, that would be a questio
director? just a note, though, i think that jcw is pretty good and sensitive to high commercial times like valentines day or during the holidays, or high shopping times. so, i don t know if in the notification out for the merchants there is a contact, you know? just in case the businesses or the merchants just need to confirm that they may not be doing work or may be delaying work during those times. yes. so there is in the noticing there are several phone numbers and ways to contact the project managers and public out reach staff like me and also, i am sure that you know about the holiday moratorium that we generally abide by, which it puts a moratorium on construction work between thanksgiving and new year s. and in business areas. so. i know when you guys are doing the out reach for the castro street widening they are going to do ours in the winter so it does not effect like pride and fulsom, and so they have already done, like in upper market they have already b