Actor Harsh Rajput, who was last seen in Ekta Kapoor s Kuch Toh Hai: Naagin Ek Naye Rang Mein will be seen portraying the role of a deaf and dumb character in a music video titled Aas Paas .Talking about the music video, Harsh says: .
MUMBAI : Harsh Rajput, who was last seen in Ekta Kapoor's 'Kuch Toh Hai: Naagin Ek Naye Rang Mein', says he would love to play characters who can connect with common people and heighten their awarenes |
Harsh Rajput, who was last seen in Ekta Kapoor s Kuch Toh Hai: Naagin Ek Naye Rang Mein , says he would love to play characters which bring social awareness in the society."I want to play real characters, which will spread social .