A large number of farmers led by Bharatiya Kisan Union leader Rakesh Tikait continued their sit-in at Sadar police station in Fatehabad here on Sunday demanding the release of two farmers. An FIR was registered after the farmers tried to gherao Jananayak Janata Party MLA Devendra Singh Babli s residence here on Wednesday night. Vikas and Ravi Azad were arrested by the police in connection with the incident. Addressing a gathering outside the police station on Sunday, Tikait said the protesting farmers will not move from here till the time the fellow farmers are released. We are ready for court arrest. We have been telling the police to either arrest us also or release them, the BKU leader said.
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Sputnik International
No-confidence motion against Khattar government taken up in Haryana Assembly
After the end of the Question hour, the Speaker admitted the notice of no-confidence motion against the Council of Ministers.
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CHANDIGARH: The motion of no confidence against the BJP-JJP government, brought by the main opposition Congress, was on Wednesday taken up in the Haryana Assembly, with Speaker Gian Chand Gupta reserving two-hour discussion on it.
After the end of the Question hour, the Speaker admitted the notice of no-confidence motion against the Council of Ministers. I have received no-confidence motion from the Leader of Opposition (Bhupinder Singh Hooda) and 27 other Congress MLAs, the Speaker said.
With Trivendra Rawat ouster, BJP sends a clear message to its Chief Ministers
The BJP leadership is keeping a close watch on the six states heading for Assembly elections next year, with Union Home Minister Amit Shah holding regular meetings.
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Uttarakhand CM Trivendra Singh Rawat (C addresses a press conference after tendering his resignation formally to Governor Baby Rani Maurya in Dehradun Tuesday March 9 2021. (Photo | PTI)
Express News Service
NEW DELHI: By scripting the ouster of Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat, the BJP appears to have sent out a signal that organisational feedback on performance will carry maximum importance.
: Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 10:10 AM IST People will beat us. : Haryana JJP MLA urges party to withdraw support to BJP ahead of no-confidence motion
Farmers during the Kisan Ekta Morcha to mark the 100th day of ongoing protests against government s new farm laws.
(Photo: PTI)
Ahead of the no-confidence vote against the Manohar Lal Khattar Haryana government, senior Jananayak Janata Party (JJP) MLA Devender Singh Babli on Tuesday urged his party to withdraw support to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government over farmers issues. The situation is such that we (JJP) should now leave the government because people are unhappy with us. People don t let us enter their villages. I urge the chief minister and deputy chief minister to hold events in villages.or any other MLA to do it.people will beat us with sticks. We will need to get iron armour and helmets to protect ourselves, Babli said.