May 2, 2021 Photo by Mike Harrington
Front row: Benjamin Carlson; Second row, left to right: Victoria Templeton, Jan Berkhouse, Christine Carlson, Liz Dorman, Helen Baran; Back row, left to right: Steve Stratton, Tom Berkhouse and Barbara Fay. Also participating and not shown were Pete Bills and Mike Harrington. Photo by Jan Berkhouse
Barbara Fay and Steve Stratton collect a tire.
Photo by Mike Harrington
Front row: Benjamin Carlson; Second row, left to right: Victoria Templeton, Jan Berkhouse, Christine Carlson, Liz Dorman, Helen Baran; Back row, left to right: Steve Stratton, Tom Berkhouse and Barbara Fay. Also participating and not shown were Pete Bills and Mike Harrington.
Apr 6, 2021
Members of the Westfield-Mayville Rotary Club assisted the Chautauqua Safety Village in Ashville with its Easter Carnival event on Saturday. Pictured are the Easter Bunny, Elizabeth Link, Donna Quagliana, John Hamels and Barbara Fay at the pavilion that the Rotary Club helped to fund and build several years ago. The Rotarians, along with Jan Berkhouse who was the photographer and is not shown, handed out candy supplied by Westfield-Mayville Rotarians, to over a thousand children during the event.
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Daily Newsletter
Dec 10, 2020
During a recent Zoom meeting of the Rotary Club of Westfield-Mayville, members learned more about residential solar energy.
The program was given by Ryan Calalesina, a sales consultant for Solar Liberty. Jan Berkhouse, club president, welcomed the guest presenter, and Rotarian John “Doc” Hamels, program sponsor, introduced Calalesina.
Calalesina is a Chautauqua County native who holds a bachelor’s degree from the State University at Cortland and a master’s degree Marshall University. He is passionate about sports, the environment, and his growing family. He joined Solar Liberty in 2011.
“I love helping people and helping the environment,” Calalesina said. “I find it very rewarding to know that I am helping people financially, and helping the environment at the same time. This is my dream job!”