The Nebraska Public Service Commission on March 15, 2022, imposed a $290,000 civil penalty on Banghart Properties LLC of Gettysburgh, South Dakota, for buying grain in Nebraska without a license.
Jan Banghart of Banghart Properties LLC of Gettysburg, South Dakota, on Jan. 5 admitted to Nebraska’s Public Service Commission that her company traded Nebraska grain without a license in 2021, but her lawyers balked at the staff’s recommended fine of $870,000.
The Nebraska Public Service Commission will hold hearings on companies associated with Jeremey Frost of South Dakota for trading grain without a license in that state. One related company, Banghart Properties LLC, of Gettysburg, South Dakota, recently acquired a grain trading license in North Dakota after licensing infractions in South Dakota.
Fearless Grain Marketing, run by Jeremey Frost from the Onida, South Dakota, area, has drawn a cease and desist order from the Nebraska Public Service Commission for trading grain in that state without a license.