After the Congress alleged lapses in security arrangments in the Rahul Gandhi-led Bharat Jodo Yatra, the Jammu & Kashmir Police on Friday said that it was not consulted before taking any decision on discontinuation of the yatra after 1 km by the orga
After the Congress alleged lapses in security arrangments in the Rahul Gandhi-led Bharat Jodo Yatra, the Jammu & Kashmir Police on Friday said that it was not consulted before taking any decision on discontinuation of the yatra after 1 km by the organisers.
Amiruddin Khan, who was arrested by Jammu & Kashmir Police on Monday from the UT's Ramban district for his links with Al Qaeda terror group, was madrasa teacher and a part-time garments trader for his family members residing in West .
After a nightlong manhunt, the Jammu & Kashmir Police on Tuesday arrested the domestic help of Hemant Kumar Lohia, Director General (Prisons), who was found murdered in the house of his friend here last night.
Former Jammu and Kashmir minister Babu Singh has been named in a hawala transaction case. Police arrested one man in the case and are now on the lookout for Singh.