NORTHAMPTON Gina-Louise Sciarra will serve as Northampton’s 45th mayor after beating Marc Warner by more than 3,300 votes.Voters in Tuesday’s city election chose Sciarra, the City Council president, to replace Mayor David Narkewicz, who did not seek.
NORTHAMPTON Voters in Tuesday’s election chose Jamila Gore and Marissa Elkins to serve at large on the City Council.Gore, an activist and writer, and Elkins, a defense attorney and vice chair of the Planning Board, are newcomers to elected office..
NORTHAMPTON Russell Carrier, president of the Forbes Library trustees, won reelection on Tuesday, while Debin Bruce defeated Stanley Sherer for the second seat on the ballot.Bruce, who appeared on the ballot as Deborah Sue Bruce, was the top.
NORTHAMPTON Three candidates for City Council declined to participate in forums co-sponsored by Northampton Abolition Now this week, citing the fact that the group has endorsed their opponents, and NAN responded by saying that the candidates’.
NORTHAMPTON Candidates in four City Council races are planning to participate Wednesday and Thursday in forums on the topic of racial justice, sponsored by Northampton Abolition Now and Western Mass Showing Up for Racial Justice.The at-large.