(Archived document, may contain errors) No. 43 March 24, 1986 THE U.S. CAN HELP MANILA REBUILD -PHILIPPINE DEMOCRACY INTRODUCTION The real challenges for Philippine President Corazon Aquino are just beginning. Manila now must confront simultaneously the issues of constitutional reform, reconciliation with the remnants of the Marcos regime, economic crisis, and military reform. Should the Aquino government falter or fail, a communist movement that has deeply penetrated Filipino society waits in the wings to impose a totalitarian solution.
(Archived document, may contain errors) No. 52 September 12, 1986 WHAT RONALD REAGAN SHOULD TELL CORY AQUINO INTRODUCTION Philippine President Corazon Aquino arrives in the United States on September 15th for a week-long visit taking her to San Francisco, New York, and Boston. Her most important stop, of course, will be Washington. There she will have extensive talks with Ronald'Reagan and will address a joint session of Congress.