Mum had unshakeable graciousness, although her hand executing cigarette / ballet pirouettes put the fear of foreign emulsification in brothy ox tongue soups / Strong foundations based on love, respect and loyalty with times of grieving an empath for a neighbour or relative. Poetry by Jamie Dawe
It was wrong to expect her to wade through the river of sadness of family obligations / Right person, wrong timing and I turned away / I have sought to explain myself by searching / 15 years later it is seemly to vanquish the letter / Guaranteed, she found someone somewhere better. Poetry by Jamie Dawe
II own my proclivities and short comings / I own the transgressions of those which have inflicted wounds some unhealed / I own the sublime moments of subjective joy / I own little but I am rich in compassion / I own not the land it owns me. Poetry by Jamie Dawe
Long conversations over low fences
Incepted on fermented yeast nectar to protect itself from parasitic wasps
Hotels attract them like moths to a flame
Its flirtatious, licentious and has poor judgement with partners
One nighter denial
Haven’t we all known someone like that or been through such an episode?
We do have 60 per cent identical DNA ironically
These silent winged socialites and I must be kindred spirits as they surreptitiously sip at the rim of my beer glass
Not a word is said I’m only here for the alcohol too, I say to them
As we both flutter away to a new meniscus