Police news for Thursday, May 20
Darren Iozia
• James W. Parrish, 35, of 710 Serenity Lane was arrested at 8:43 a.m. Wednesday on a charge of possession of methamphetamine and on a Morgan County warrant accusing him of failing to appear in court on an order of protection violation and a Jersey County warrant accusing him of failing to appear in court on a charge of possession of methamphetamine.
• Merchandise worth $184 was stolen from a business in the 1200 block of West Morton Avenue, according to a report filed at 11:13 a.m. Wednesday.
Police news for Saturday, May 8
This week’s wanted
The following are being sought on arrest warrants, according to various sheriff’s departments. The addresses listed are the last known addresses provided by the warrants and may be outdated.
• James W. Parrish, 35, of 710 Serenity Lane is being sought on a warrant accusing him of failing to appear in court on a violation of an order of protection.
He is a white male standing 5 foot 9 and weighing 140 pounds. He has blue eyes and brown hair.
• Eric D. Kendell, 32, of 761 W. Olive St., Decatur, is being sought on a warrant accusing him of failing to appear in court on a charge of aggravated discharge of a firearm.