Article Courtesy of Jamestown/Stutsman Development Corporation
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (JSDC) – Kelly Rachel has served on the Jamestown/Stutsman County Development Corporation (JSDC) since 2013, the last two years as Chairman.
With the close of 2020, Rachel stepped down at the end of his term after overseeing a tenure of impressive economic growth and development in Jamestown and Stutsman County.
Rachel is the President/CEO of Jamestown’s Unison Bank and has been involved in the area in various manners for 40 years since attending the University of Jamestown. During his JSDC tenure, Kelly served on the New Business Attraction, Existing Business Outreach, Organizational Excellence and Finance committees. Kelly will continue with JSDC as the Past Chairman in 2021. Rachel was gracious enough to offer his insight into his past tenure, as well as a look forward to what lies ahead for Jamestown and Stutsman County.