party or any kind of socializing? there s a bunch of new members of the new york congressional delegation on both sides of the aisles. has everyone got together yet? i think i have met just about every member of the congressional delegation except george santos. george santos has become so radioactive that not even a close association of a sanction russian oligarch once anything to do with him. i think it s fair to say my colleagues in the new york delegation darwin anything to do with him. with a notable exception of at least of ionic who both enthusiastically endorsed him and fund raised for him to the tune of he s probably going to get, well, i don t know, i can t predict the future. it seems like there is grounds upon which one could imagine him being indicted or having some procedure run against him. but it s also not clear that he would leave their, neither. i was looking back at the james traffic cam who woeful say no to warriors lead corrupt congressman from ohio, a