My friend and student Richard Riehle wrote this tribute about his early Sensei, which I wanted to share with readers of my blog. His original Sensei, Jim Troutman, while only a shodan (1st degree black belt) had a significant impact on Richard who has now been in Judo for 70 years. It shows the lifetime influence a Sensei can have on their students.
Schenectady woman earns seventh-degree black belt | The Daily Gazette
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Teri Takemori, 59, was awarded the seventh-degree black belt by the United States Judo Federation in June.
“Seventh degree is a big deal. It’s uncommon,” said Jason Morris, Takemori’s husband and co-founder of Jason Morris Judo Center in Glenville.
Because of her continued dedication and involvement in the sport, Takemori said the promotion didn’t come as too much of a surprise. “They approved my promotion without a problem.”
The local promotion committee for the US Judo Federation selects one person each year to submit to the national governing body for a promotion, Takemori said. “She is as active as you can be in our sport, and that’s how she earned the current rank,” said Morris, who is an eighth-degree black belt and former U.S. Olympian.
Edwin Takemori has been teaching Judo to midshipmen at the Naval Academy since 2001, and has been practicing the martial art himself for more than 60 years.