Recognizing that skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and hidradenitis suppurativa present differently in skin of color can prevent delays in diagnosis and treatment, explained James Song, MD, director of clinical research and associate chief medical officer at Frontier Dermatology.
Atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) can present differently in diverse patients, potentially leading to delayed diagnosis and therefore delayed treatment, explained James Song, MD, director of clinical research and associate chief medical officer at Frontier Dermatology.
After much anticipation, rock icon James released his latest track today, on the first day of Eid. The song, which is titled, "Shobi Bhul", has been written by James and Bishu Shikdar, with the former composing the music as well.
The Alibaba Global Digital Talent (GDT) program last week brought together representatives of its partner educational institutions worldwide in a hybrid conference, reaffirming its commitment to driving digital economy education globally.
HANGZHOU, CHINA / ACCESSWIRE / March 27, 2023 / The Alibaba Global Digital Talent (GDT) program last week brought together representatives of its partner educational institutions worldwide in a hybrid