captioning sponsed by macne/lehrer productions lehrer: good eveng. i m jim lehr. on the newshr this wednesday: the lead story is then-going politics of health care rerm. then, we have the otherews of the day, including e latest round of tough qstions for federal reserve chairman bernanke; a rept on twitter the 140 characteonline communication servie. srery of staakteon of state clinton s mission tasia. major fundingor the newshour with jim lehrer is provided by: tiny ttle thing, it s just. ot big. ah. okay, i und it. ( cheersnd applause ) okay. we are intel, sponsors of tomorrow. chevron. the national scien foundation. supporting education and resrch across all fields of science and gineering. andith the ongoing support of these institutions a foundations. and. this program was made posble by t corporation for public brdcasting. and by contributns to your pbs station from viewers ke you. hank you. leer: president obama goes nation tonight in search of action on hea