The Straits Times
Canadian who robbed StanChart will not be caned; S pore gave assurance to Britain to secure his extradition
David James Roach arrived in Singapore on March 17, 2021, after being extradited from Britain.PHOTOS: SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE, THE NEW PAPER
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July 25, 2021
David James Roach (right), now 31, had fled Singapore soon after the robbery, where he made off with $30,000.
Singapore Police Force
David James Roach, the Canadian sentenced to five years jail and six strokes of the cane for robbing a bank of more than $30,000 in 2016, has been spared the cane.
The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) said on Sunday (July 25) that Roach, who committed the Standard Chartered Bank robbery which took place on July 7, 2016, had his sentence of caning remitted on Saturday.
This is because the Singapore Government had assured Britain that any corporal sentence on Roach, who had fled Singapore, would not be carried out in order to secure his extradition.
David Ellis
Dave, whom I’ve only known for a few minutes, is kneeling between my thighs as I lie with my back on the floor, his hands on my hips. This might seem compromising, but in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, this is “the guard”: an ostensibly defensive position that, in reality, presents an array of offensive options. It is also – as my first lesson at martial arts gym Fightzone in east London is teaching me – a great icebreaker. Jiu-jitsu is learning how to control another person
From here, I can dislodge one of Dave’s hands and tug on the lapel of his gi while bringing him forward with my hips, so that his weight traps his arm against my chest. I can then reach around to grab his back, while getting hold of his trouser leg on the same side. From here, I can lift my own leg up as a lever and “sweep” him, so that I’m on top (“the mount”). Then I can grip his other lapel and, bringing my hands together like a pair of scissors, cut off his air supply. That is,
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Singapore has very low crime rates and the bank robbery had sparked debate about whether the wealthy Southeast Asian city state had become too complacent about security.
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David James Roach, now 31, fled Singapore on the same day as the robbery, but was later detained in Britain where authorities agreed to extradite him in March last year on the condition that he would not receive corporal punishment.
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A Canadian man who escaped with more than $30,000 after robbing a Standard Chartered Bank branch in Holland Avenue on July 7, 2016, was sentenced to five years jail and six strokes of the cane yesterday.
However, he may not be caned as the Government had assured Britain that any corporal sentence would not be carried out to secure his extradition, and said last night that it was working through the necessary procedures to fulfil this assurance.
David James Roach, now 31, who fled Singapore soon after the robbery, had earlier pleaded guilty to one count each of robbery and moving his criminal gains out of Singapore.