ALBANY When the Oxford County Board of Commissioners met with Albany townspeople on March 21, the public meeting was meant to illuminate why the board is considering moving the voting location for Albany residents from Albany Town Hall to another town. The main points said County Administrator Donald Durrah, “where they [the ballots] are […]
The Oxford County Commission reviewed plans for the airport with supervisor Tony Carter and approved a three-year lease agreement with airport tenant Mosher Aviation Services.
By Eriks PetersonsSpecial to the Sun Journal
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MINOT Voters passed the proposed $1.99 million municipal budget at Saturday’s annual Town Meeting, held in the Minot Consolidated School gymnasium.
The 34 voters in attendance, masked and spaced apart accordingly by state requirements, were ushered through the 54 warrant articles by Auburn attorney James Pross, who was voted in as moderator at the start of the meeting.
The budget includes financing a three-year $1 million bond.
The bond funds for “a capital project consisting of road construction and paving of town roadways,” according to the town, will include work on Brighton Hill Road, Hersey Hill School Road and Death Valley Road.