not to put this out there, he didn t ask me to say it, but he s newly on the job market, first time since he joined the air force when he was a wee child. i m just saying. his name is victor fehrenbach. bald, big arm muscles. you can t miss him. all right, senator james mountain, next to the phrase rock-ribbed conservative is also a pilot, and unlike victor fehrenbach, he is a terrible pilot, a terrible, dangerous pilot. he is also a vindictive terrible, dangerous pilot based on what he did today. this story about the senator is so weird. with bengay pain relief plus massage
inhofe. he s standing right in the middle of us. i have a list of witnesses. i have about ten people on the runway, scared the death out of us, then some people up at the hangar, this is close to where the truck was coming up the runway, that boy pulled over, he wet his brichs. he was scared to death. he started to run to the side of the runway. the pilot could see him, or could have seen him. he was right on him. let me you said you had his name. what was his name again? james inhofe. they tell me he s a senator from oklahoma. he is a senator from oklahoma. senator james inhofe. in the end, senator inhofe got off easy. he was ordered to take remedial flying classes. how has senator inhofe responded to that?
i have about ten people on the runway, scared the death out of us, then some people up at the hangar, this is close to where the truck was coming up the runway, that boy pulled over, he wet his briches. he was scared to death. he started to run to the side of the runway. the pilot could see him, or could have seen him. he was right on him. let me you said you had his name. what was his name again? james inhofe. they tell me he s a senator from oklahoma. he is a senator from oklahoma. senator james inhofe. in the end, senator inhofe got off easy. he was ordered to take remedial flying classes. how has senator inhofe responded to that? by going after the faa with both
by going after the faa with both barrels of the the senator maintains he was not at fault when he flew over a giant yellow x marking the runway closed. he said he was frustrated by how long it took to resolve his case from 2010 when he scared those people to january of this year when he found out about his punishment classes. about two and a half months worrying maybe he would lose his pilot s license, even though he didn t. now senator inhofe calls the overreach of the faa. senator inhofe almost landed a plane on a group of construction workers on a closed runway, but now he s the victim, and he s using his power as a senator to show that the government agency in charges of protecting us all from people who are as bad at flying airplanes as he is, that agency is the enemy and must be reigned in. senator inhofe saying i was
they painted a giant x on to it to show it was closed. not incidentally, the closed runway was also covered with a whole bunch of construction equipment and dozens of living, breathing, human construction workers of the undeterred, senator inhofe decided to land his private plane on the closed runway anyway. you may remember the smoking gun website got ahold of the faa documents about what senator inhofe did that day, as well as some of the witness audio. scared the crap out of us on the north end, then he started to land on the other side of us, and there were a couple of trucks there. he damn near hit us. landed on the runway anyway. did you get a call sign of the aircraft? yes, sir, i have it. i got the pilot s name is james inhofe. he s standing right in the middle of us. i have a list of witnesses.