Several volunteer firefighters with the Tyler Mountain Volunteer Fire Department staged a walkout Monday. Other county agencies are now working to pick up the slack.
A new telecommunications company based in Jacksonville offered what dozens of employees thought was a dream job, but after weeks without pay, it turned into what some now describe as a nightmare.
and their contract much too rich says the mta. the mta says we re 800 million dollars in the hole. cut us some slack. there s nothing funny about it, says james mcdougle. public sector unions are parasites that will bankrupt america. it s literally the parasite devouring the host. the host is business. the parasite unions. the private sector a literally dying and the federal government is providing more and more benefits. mcdougle is a businessman who built the service company from scratch and his business was all about employee pay so over the years he s been dismayed to watch government award their workers raises an and special benefits like retirement at age 55. it used to be the deal, you go work for the government