MaxLinear (NYSE:MXL – Get Rating) had its price target lowered by Loop Capital from $60.00 to $40.00 in a research report released on Monday, The Fly reports. Other research analysts have also issued reports about the stock. Susquehanna dropped their price objective on shares of MaxLinear from $45.00 to $40.00 in a research note on […]
MaxLinear (NYSE:MXL – Get Rating) had its target price decreased by Susquehanna from $45.00 to $40.00 in a report released on Thursday morning, The Fly reports. Other research analysts have also issued reports about the stock. started coverage on shares of MaxLinear in a research note on Thursday, March 16th. They set a buy […]
MaxLinear (NYSE:MXL – Get Rating) had its price objective decreased by Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft from $48.00 to $40.00 in a research report released on Thursday morning, The Fly reports. MXL has been the topic of several other reports. Northland Securities reduced their price objective on MaxLinear from $35.00 to $25.00 in a report on Thursday. […]
MaxLinear (NYSE:MXL – Get Rating) had its price objective trimmed by Stifel Nicolaus from $48.00 to $42.00 in a research note issued to investors on Thursday morning, The Fly reports. Several other brokerages have also weighed in on MXL. Susquehanna lowered their target price on shares of MaxLinear from $45.00 to $40.00 in a research […]