James Juanillo, surrounded by boxes of chalk and standing on the chalk outline of a large calendar drawn on the sidewalk beneath him June 9, is hanging around outside the large Victorian he shares with several friends.
The Karen hate-watching obsession may not be healthy, but it is instructive as she represents a faction of the American population threatened by the prospect of losing its place atop a toxic, racial hierarchy.
Amy Cooper threatens to call police on black man in New York City s Central Park. CREDIT: video screenshot/LA Times YouTube
Here’s some positive news for you. The nation can expect to see a rapid decline in managers being called and other types of entitled behavior in the not-so-distant future.
That’s right folks. A recently-released report indicates that a decrease in the number of Karens has seen a sharp decrease over the past year, and we have the internet to thank for it.
KUTV reported on Friday: “Less ‘Karens’ will be asking for the manager after data reveals that the name plummeted in popularity in 2020, the lowest ranking for the name since 1927.”
This has been the year of public freakouts. From the aisles of Costco to the streets of suburbia, so-called “Karens” have been utterly unable to hold it together as they demand the world bow to their whims. Often, they’ve been caught on camera in the midst of their madness. Featured Video Hide
In some instances, Karens brought us endless entertainment with their absurdities. In others, they deployed racism to put others at risk, becoming a symbol of weaponized racism in the national reckoning with race and police brutality. Advertisement Hide
As strange as it is to lump those two categories together, that’s how vast the scope of Karens has become. So let’s revisit the 25 most egregious Karen incidents of the year, in all their nonsense and horror, and hope that maybe just maybe we can leave “Karens” behind in 2020.