CLAREMONT Three and a half years after it voted to create a board of assessors in the wake of public outcry over a controversial tax abatement and assessment reduction on a Mulberry Street property by a former assessor, the City Council has taken.
CLAREMONT The Conservation Commission is hoping its staunch opposition will prevent removal of a “wet meadow” along Charlestown Road where the owner of a Ford dealership plans to construct a 20,390-square-foot building for a second dealership.The.
CLAREMONT The City Council voted Wednesday to make two minor modifications to Pleasant Street construction project parking but defeated a motion to return the street to two-way traffic with parallel parking.One change, approved, 7-3, will increase.
CLAREMONT Long-time City Councilor Nick Koloski was elected to his seventh two-year term Tuesday, topping the field in a seven-way race for four at-large seats on the City Council.But fellow incumbent Mike Demars, who was appointed to the council in.
Voting for City Council will be on Tuesday, Nov. 2, with polls open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Voters in Wards I and II vote at the Claremont Middle School and Ward III at Disnard Elementary School.CLAREMONT All nine City Council seats are up for.