After a confession was beaten out of Ell Persons, a Memphis mob skipped the trial and went straight to execution. But confessions, then and now, don't always lead to justice.
Robert Lyles could always been counted on to give his heart out to those in need, those who know him well say. Now, the former NFL linebacker needs support as he awaits a much-needed, but very costly, heart transplant, loved ones say.
tucker: it we are out of time. unfortunately. it s cyber monday, so if you shop tonight you can do it at tuckercarlson you can also watch the episode of tucker carlson today on the michael sailor cryptocurrency. he will tell you in a way no one else will. a truly fascinating. that s on fox nation. sean hannity takes over now. have a great night. sean: i follow him religiously. spew on totally fascinating. sean: tucker, thank you. welcome to hannity. explosive new details surrounding zero experienced hunter biden s laptop from. public corruption now in the plain sight between zero experience hunter, chinese communist officials, and yes, the big guy, joe biden himself. direct evidence that joe biden lied to the nation when he said he had never discussed his
incredible career and the incredible man that rush limbaugh was. sean: james, i only have 30 seconds do you miss the most about rush? everything. hearing his voice every day, hearing him laugh, and his beautiful sense of humor and his kindness. every single day i miss him. sean: we all do. we were lucky to have him as long as we did. i wish we had him 30 more years. james bolden, you are a dear friend as is everyone who worked on rush s team. you are a dear friend, i love the book.,, bookstores everywhere. thank you, james bolden. when we come back, a programming announcement report. you will not want to miss it.
sean: now turn into another inspirational book just today tonight and bookstores everywhere,, longtime friend of this program, rush limbaugh and his producer is giving readers an inside look under the top radio icon. what we say about the greatest of all time, the goat of talk radio and be a part of most prolific show and talk radio history bit what was it like being the scenes? what are the never before told stories? that and much more. author of rush on the radio, james. welcome back. sean, they could so much for having me. you are a part of that behind the scenes story, sean, sean. sean: oh, boy. what did i do now? sean, you know without you one of the things that russia s,