PARKERSBURG The Parkersburg Urban Renewal Authority voted Tuesday to demolish a commercial building and two residential structures at 19th Street and Dudley
PARKERSBURG Applications to purchase two recently acquired buildings at 19th Street and Dudley Avenue are set to be considered by the Parkersburg Urban Rene
citizen. he actually appeared take a look at this video. this is exclusively obtained by cnn. he s staying in the background highlighted, standing next to donald trump in the right there. this was in 2016 and later he was at the meeting with the agalarav family with rob goldstone who had promised incriminating information on hillary clinton before that e-mail exchange. his attorney said he attended that meeting thinking he would be needed as a translator. he said he never had any involvement with the russian government. he also said special counsel prosecutors have already reached out to his client seeking information, and he says his client is fully cooperating, anderson. pam brown, a lot of details. let s bring in the panel, kristin powers, james blow, david gregory, mike shields and fiona. does this seem normal to you, david gregory? the white house goes into detail that there was a two-hour