Top leaders of North Carolina’s General Assembly have filed their official request for the state Supreme Court to take another look at the 29-year-old Leandro education funding lawsuit. A judge has ordered $677 million in new education spending tied to a Leandro plan.
In State v. Richardson, 272A14, filed 1 September 2023, the Supreme Court of North Carolina reviewed the conviction and sentencing of the defendant. The evidence indicated the gruesome .
Superior Court Judge James Ammons has ordered $677 million in additional state spending to address obligations related to the long-running Leandro case.
Five months after its latest major ruling in North Carolina’s Leandro case, the N.C. Supreme Court is on track to consider the long-running education funding dispute again. Perhaps this time the court will display a stronger regard for the constitutional separation of powers.
The judge overseeing North Carolina’s long-running Leandro education funding case says the state must spend an additional $677 million to cover items in a court-endorsed plan. That number matches a figure Gov. Roy Cooper’s state budget office produced in December 2022.