Films.Dance, a groundbreaking new global film series produced by and under the creative direction of LA-based Jacob Jonas The Company concludes with the final three films, including TORN on April 19, PLUME on April 26 and, finally, WEAKNESS OF THE FLESH on May 3.
These films are the final three of the 15 original dance films that began on January 25, 2021. To date, the films have garnered over 1 million views across all digital platforms from more than 200 countries. Additionally, the films will be celebrated worldwide as part of International Dance Day on April 29.
The films will premiere at 9 a.m. PST on the Web atFilms.Dance, on Instagram on the account, and the Films.Dance Facebook page. Films.Dance is co-presented by the Younes and Soraya Nazarian Center for the Performing Arts, the Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts and Chicago s Joan W. and Irving B. Harris Theater.