Sunday's brazen attack by gunmen on a Beryllium security team in Portmore, St Catherine, has triggered a call by the association representing workers in the industry, for security companies to be .
Beryllium Limited has indicated that it has no interest in encouraging a running face-off between its teams and gunmen by adding high-powered weapons to its armoury, as this could further endanger.
COMMANDER George Overton, director of operations for Guardsman Group Limited, and president of the Jamaica Society for Industrial Security (JSIS), says the country should brace for a massive fallo.
The track, the people in the stands, the finish line they won't see it, but atop the medal podium, there is ample space for blind track and field athletes to feel and own that glory.
However, t.
THE Government is moving to amend over 500 contracts to upgrade the status of guards hired through security guard firms to provide services at ministries, departments and agencies to employees.