On Wednesday, December 6, 2023, Karolyn Cooper saw two new dresses on her bed. Her son, Davan, has purchased them from the salary he earns as a policeman. A smiling Cooper thanked him for the gifts and promised to wear one to church the following.
Selvin Hay, the chief technical director of the Financial Investigations Divisions (FID), says more effort is needed to broadly tackle money laundering in Jamaica.
He was speaking on Friday at a FID press conference held in
Samples from the 47 positive individuals were among 280 junior and senior recruits and instructors tested.
The Health Ministry is reporting that 47 COVID cases have been confirmed at the Jamaica Police College in Central Village, St Catherine. According to the ministry, the cluster includes two instructors. Samples from the 47 positive individuals were among 280 junior and senior recruits and instructors tested. The Catherine Health Department has since ordered that a section of the academy be quarantined and positive patients isolated for further observation. Several of them are reportedly displaying symptoms. Medical Officer of Health for St Catherine, Dr Francine Prosper Chen says tests will be shortly conducted on another 400 instructors, medical and ground staff.