By Kevin O Brien Chang
Jamaica is the world s youngest and smallest cultural superpower. No nation so new (only 58 years old) and so minute (a mere 2.8 million people) has had such a global cultural impact. BBC country profiles nearly all focus on politics, economics or war. Jamaica s begins: Known for its strong sense of self identity expressed through its music, food and rich cultural mix, Jamaica s influence extends far beyond its shores.
You would think such a country’s independence festivities would be among the planet’s most vibrant. But google top independence celebrations and Jamaica is not even mentioned. Travel company Frommers gives this top 11: India, Ghana, Mexico, Kosovo, Phillipines, France, Indonesia, Ukraine, Israel, Peru, Australia.
By Kevin O Brien Chang
Jamaica is the world s youngest and smallest cultural superpower. No nation so new (only 58 years old) and so minute (a mere 2.8 million people) has had such a global cultural impact. BBC country profiles nearly all focus on politics, economics or war. Jamaica s begins: Known for its strong sense of self identity expressed through its music, food and rich cultural mix, Jamaica s influence extends far beyond its shores.
You would think such a country’s independence festivities would be among the planet’s most vibrant. But google top independence celebrations and Jamaica is not even mentioned. Travel company Frommers gives this top 11: India, Ghana, Mexico, Kosovo, Phillipines, France, Indonesia, Ukraine, Israel, Peru, Australia.