The Tamil Nadu government had defended the event of Jallikattu, telling the apex court that sporting events can also be cultural events and there is no cruelty on the bulls. Jallikattu is an age-old event celebrated mostly in Tamil Nadu as part of Pongal celebrations. Jallikattu Event Held in Tamil Nadu’s Pudukkottai, 15 Injured in First Round (Watch Video).
A senior official from the district administration, who was present at the event, said despite having 270 registered bulls and their tamers, the programme went smoothly | Latest News India
PHOTOGALLERY India | | January 14, 2021, 10:21 am
1/ 8 Traditional bull-taming sport Jallikattu began at Avaniyapuram in Madurai on Thursday (Jan. 14) kicking off the Pongal festive spirit. The game was organised keeping restrictions amid the COVID-19 outbreak. The robust sport involves releasing a bull into a crowd of people who attempt to grab it and ride it. It performed during the four-day Pongal festival and is hugely popular in this southern Indian state. (Image: News18 Tamil)